The diseases which are transferred from infected person to healthy person by sex are called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD).
Following are important sexually transmitted Diseases
1. Gonorrhoea
- Syphilis
- Genital Herpes
- Aids
Causative Agent
- It is caused by gram positive bacteria Neisseria Gonorrhoea.
- The bacteria can enter the body via mucous membranes of urethra, cervix and anal canal during the sexual intercourse.
The main symptoms of Gonorrhoea are
- It mainly affects the mucous membrane of urinogenital tract.
- The new born infants may acquire serious eye infections if they pass through the infected birth canal.
- It may cause infertility in both male and female.
- In male, penis discharges yellow pus and also urination may be painful.
- In female, slight vaginal discharge or a burning sensation is noticed while passing urine.
- Sexual process should be avoided with affected persons.
- Proper antibiotics should be used for the treatment of disease.
Causative Agent
It is caused by a spirochete, treponema pallidum. Transmission sexual contact is the main cause for infection.
The main symptoms of syphilis are
- It damages the reproductive organs, eye, bones, joints, central nervous system, heart and skin.
- Spots are developed on skin.
- Use of antibiotics
- Sexual contact with affected persons should be avoided.
Causative Agent
- It is caused by a virus, herpes simplex.
The main symptoms of Genital herpes are
- Painful blisters and ulcers are produce around the external genital organ.
- It may cause inflammation and pain.
- The nervous system and eyes are also affected by the disease.
- It is most frequently transmitted by sexual contact causing infection of the genitalia. In infected pregnant woman, virus can be transmitted to infant during birth, causing damage to eye and CNS of the infant.
- Sexual contact with affected person should be avoided.
- Use of antibiotics to develop immunity in the body.
Causative Agent
- It is a very dangerous disease, caused by a virus called Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV).
The main symptoms of AIDS are
- Flue like symptoms in the beginning, later on immune system is destroyed.
- Spots are developed on the skin called skin cancer.
- Blood become poisonous called Septocaemia.
- Nervous system is damage, loss of memory and ultimately death.
HIV virus enters the body by the following ways
- By sexual contact
- By donations of infected blood
- From mother of baby
- By the reuse of used syringes
- Sexual contact with affected person should be completely avoided.
- Testing of blood before donation.
- Reuse of used syringes should be controlled.
- Use of antibiotics
The tissue attaching the embryo to the wall of uterus is called Placenta.
The placenta looks lika a flat pie shaped structure. It has million of blood vessels that are the part of the embryo’s blood system. It is connection between mother’s body and embryo.
The main functions of placenta are
- Placenta provides food and O2 from mother body to the embryo.
- It helps in the excretion of CO2 and other harmful excretory products from embryo through the mother body.
- It allows the antibodies to diffuse from the mother’s blood into the embryonic blood capillaries. The antibodies protect the embryo against certain diseased.
- Placenta produces progesterone hormone which maintains uterine lining in healthy state during pregnancy.
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