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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can I quit a job since my boss smells like pee and I want to throw up all day?

The bathroom smells so bad, am thinking he has a coveter and when he empties the pee it goes everywhere and he does NOT clean the floor. He owns the place too so is really hard for me to ask him to cleanup after himself. :( I have worked for the company for about 4 years now. Can I get unemployment if i quit?


  1. Sorry, definitely no... I find it hard to believe you cant find another restaurant job anywhere.

  2. It's really hard to get unemployment if he quit unless the circumstances are just right,,

    Your best option is probably to call the health department..
    your second best bet is to go ahead and look for a new job and as soon as you get one give a year manager a week's notice

    That way you leave on good terms and you can always use them as a reference later
    and it will look better on your employment record

  3. You can quit your job at any time - nobody can force you to work. Unemployment eligibility is basically based on three things:

    1. Not being employed "through no fault of your own". In other words, being fired or forced to leave.
    2. Being available for work.
    3. Actively looking for work while you are unemployed.

    If you quit and file for unemployment, you would have to show that any reasonable person would have quit under similar circumstances. Probably the only way you could claim this is if there is a workplace health/safety violation that has been addressed and not solved.
    I'm in HR.


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