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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can a single mother get help with her bills?

I am a single mother and i need help paying the bills and taking care of my family i got laid off and cant pay the bills im receving govermant assistance if anyone knows a way i can get money with haveing to pay it back please let me know i cant find anotherr job rite now and cant afford a baby sitter thank you for you time


  1. If you got laid off you should have applied for unemployment. Honey if you cannot work it's hard to get assistance or free money..places like human services and CYFD help you if your trying to help yourself b y looking for work...the only other place that might help you is your local church

  2. My cousin is also a single mother of 3 kids and was 3 months behind on her house payments. My aunt was helping her out, but then got behind on all her bills so she heard about this place called United Way in our area. They come around, and my aunt took my cousin and her bills over there and they paid for all her bills. They make the checks out to whoever it needs to go to. Not sure if it's in your area or not, but you could google United Way with you city and state name and see. You could also check out My cousin has a full time job, too. I don't know if that counts or not, but it wouldn't hurt to check it out.


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